It's no secret I'm a big supporter of Kathryn Williams, and have been ever since I picked up her first EP in the promos bin of the Music & Video Exchange in Notting Hill, way back in '99. There's a song on that CD called 'Madmen & Maniacs' and I must have listened to it a thousand times or more. I still do.
Since then, Kath has released fifteen albums, mostly under her own name, with The Crayonettes and The Pond as entertaining diversions. Out tomorrow, Night Drives is her sweet sixteenth and there's a clear sense of progression with its cinematic sweep, bold production choices and buckets of strings. It's easily up there with her best work, so I was 100% on board when the chance came along to meet with Kath in London and talk about the record for The Line of Best Fit. The article was published today – I hope you enjoy!